Up for Review: Eerie by C.M. McCoy


Title: Eerie

Author: C.M. McCoy

Published: December 15th, 2015

Publisher: Omnific/Simon & Schuster

Genre: YAm paranormal adventure with romance

Age Recommendation: 16+

Formats Available: Gifted via Amazon or B&N


~ Synopsis ~


*** As featured in PEOPLE Magazine ***

Hailey’s dreams have always been, well…vivid. As in monsters from her nightmares follow her into her waking life vivid.

When her big sister goes missing, eighteen-year-old Hailey finds the only thing keeping her safe from a murderous 3,000-year-old beast is an equally terrifying creature who has fallen “madly” in love with her. Competing to win her affection, the Dream Creature, Asher, lures her to the one place that offers safety–a ParaScience university in Alaska he calls home. There, she studies the science of the supernatural and must learn to live with a roommate from Hell, survive her ParaScience classes, and hope the only creature who can save her from an evil immortal doesn’t decide to kill her himself.



~ About the Author ~


CM McCoy

C.M. McCoy is an Irish dancer and former military officer living in the Great White North. Though B.S.’d in chemical engineering and German from Penn State University, she’s far happier writing stories involving monsters and Alaska (with an awkward kiss in the mix.) While working 911 dispatch for Alaska State Troopers, she learned to speak in 10-codes, which she still does…but only to annoy her family.



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