Up for Review: The Seers: Love and Terror On The Fourth of July by J.R. Wirth

Love and Terror on the Fourth of July

Title: The Seers: Love and Terror On The Fourth of July

Series: Twisted Family Holidays series #3 (Standalone)

Author: J.R. Wirth

Genre: Suspense

Published: June 21st, 2015

Publisher: Books To Go Now

Age Recommendation: 13+

Formats Available: ePub


~ Synopsis ~


Jess and his daughters, along with his nephew, are taking their annual trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, for the Fourth of July weekend. The road to Vegas is a stormy one that finds the family caught in a treacherous thunderstorm; whereas, fate would have it, they are struck by lightning. The confused family wakes to find their car in a ditch, surrounded by strangers who’ve stopped to help. At the request of the attending officer, the family is checked out by paramedics. They are found to in remarkably good condition, considering, and are determined to make it Vegas. Just before they make it to Jess’s brother’s home, they get stuck at a red light. As a family crosses the street, Jess has eye contact with the eldest boy. The stare-down is interrupted as Jess’s mind goes blank and replaced with a vision of the family in a horrific accident.

The following morning while watching the local morning news, a story comes on about how the same family was run down by a gray sedan with California license plates; Jess owns a gray sedan. The boy, who survives, mentions a ‘Seer’ who he had a stare down with the previous evening, and that the Seer knew what was going to happen. Burdened by guilt and confusion, Jess goes on a run where he sees catastrophe in the eyes of two others. He realizes that he does have a gift, or a curse.

Unable to deal effectively with all the thoughts running around in his head, Jess decides to get out. At the suggestion of his seven-year-old girl, Jade, he goes to the Stratosphere in search of a two-dollar blackjack table, where Jade promises he’ll get lucky. What he finds is a lucky table, not only in terms of money, but also love. Jess meets a woman, Lauralee (Lee), who he’s destined to have a connection. As it turns out she is also gifted with the ability to see others’ misfortunate futures. The connection is formed at the blackjack table and leads them to spend more time together and, eventually, a romantic connection is made. Their bond leads to an inseparable affair. When Jess and Lee return to the family for the Fourth of July festivities, they are confronted by detectives who’ve have pieced together, Jess’s unexplained appearance at not only the crash site, but also an armed robbery. And the surprises don’t end there.



~ About the Author ~


JR Wirth

Author J.R. Wirth resides in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. Though seemingly early in his writing career, JR has dozens of pieces published including a poem, several shorts in Ether Books out of the UK, and shorts in Paper Pilots—In-Flight online magazine.

Featured here is The Seers: Love and Terror on the Fourth of July, which is book three of the “Twisted Family Holiday’s” collection published by Jennifer Conner and the good folks at Books to Go Now Publishing. Book 4 and 5 are due out in time for Halloween and Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving story, tentatively titled Giving Thanks: The Messenger, is also a sequel to book-1: The Town Beneath the Christmas Tree. All titles in the collection are short reads and are available in print, eBook, and audio formats (two and three are awaiting final approval).

The epic full-length—young adult/new adult—title: In Passing is due out some time this year, and promises to take readers on an emotional thrill-ride.

J.R. exhibits dedication to the craft of writing. He seems to always highlight the conflict, frailty and hero in all of us, with engaging, very likeable characters, who are easy to relate to. And, as those who have read his stuff know, JR is a music buff, always strategically placing music titles and bands to his works. In his spare time, J.R. is a licensed psychotherapist with a long list of accomplishments, including a stint as a university professor. He currently supervises at a forensic unit in Southern California, and works with “at risk” youth. Above all JR is a spiritual man who is dedicated to his children.



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