Up for Review: Scarred by Elizabeth Montgomery


Title: Scarred

Author: Elizabeth Montgomery

Genre: YA Coming of Age Romance, Antibullying

Published: June 26th, 2015

Publisher: Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly

Age Recommendation: 13+

Formats Available: Ebook gifted via Amazon.com


~ Synopsis ~


For those of us who come into the world different, we see it for what it really is.


Avery Chamberlin is special, unique. Beautiful words to gloss over the fact that she is different. She has never felt like she fit in. Why should she?

She was reminded on a daily basis that she was not like her peers.

Flawed. Damaged. A freak.

Avery will have to come out of her shell to prove that even the bullies have their own insecurities.




~ About the Author ~


Elizabeth Montgomery

Author Elizabeth Montgomery was born in Williamsburg, Virginia and raised a hop, skip, and a jump away in Yorktown, Virginia. Paranormal inspiration was easily obtained during her childhood in the Historic Triangle. This helped to spur her love of Paranormal romance stories, but she also enjoys reading YA and NA.

She is currently raising four children and a husband while elbow-deep in the depths of the writing cave. You can often find her searching on Google for an appropriate, or sometimes inappropriate, photo to insert in any random conversation. If not on Google, or Facebook chat, she can be found drinking coffee (like any normal writer), eating Gummy Bears, baking fanciful cakes, reading, or writing.

“I always wondered what authors meant when they said that their characters tell them what to write – I get it now!”


Find Elizabeth on the Periscope mobile app: @EMontgomeryAuth


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