Up for Review: The Dark Season Saga: The Final Harvest by Yehya H. Safwat
Title: The Dark Season Saga: The Final Harvest
Series: The Dark Season Saga #1
Author: Yehya H. Safwat
Genre: Fantasy
Published: June 10th, 2016
Formats Available: PDF
~ Synopsis ~
In every world there are the players; listeners, doers and sayers. They are those who define their world as they build and destroy civilizations. Yet there are other, more mysterious, players who have lived across the ages … undetected.
Nymtha, the Shadow Pilgrim, is an elite member of the Genn, an aloof race of shadow and earth. Without the slightest interference in the affairs of men, he silently watched the world of mortals since the beginning of time with ice-cold indifference.
When the world of Talor is getting readied for the last chapter, Nymtha hears something; a fading whisper. Now he finds himself in front of the choice every Genn fears to face. After millennia in the dark, Nymtha may be forced to run into the light … onto history’s stage.
~ About the Author ~
An Engineer by profession yet an author by passion, a traveler from the alien land of numbers and formulas. Yehya H. Safwat has challenged the world of poetry and epic fantasy/adventure for countless years searching for that specific bridge which connects his rigid world of facts and formulas to the velvet shores of literature. Yehya is also a thinker and a philosopher and currently making a new YouTube channel called the “Prime Dimension” in which he discusses the greatest unsolved enigmas in our lives.
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