Archived – Multiple Author Fantasy Tour
~ Schedule ~
Multiple Author Fantasy Tour Schedule:
- March 31st – Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
Book Tour Post with R.J. Hore Interview
- April 1st – Kristy @ Keep Calm & Write On
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 2nd – Elizabeth @ Elizabeth Blogs All About It
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 3rd – Margay @ Margay Leah Justice
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 3rd – Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
Book Tour Post with L.T. Getty Guest Post
- April 4th – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with G.Brown Interview
- April 4th – Nichole @ The Bookish Fairy
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 7th – Laura @ Trip Down Imagination Road
Book Tour Post with Book Review for Finding Eve
- April 7th – Vanessa @ Fairie Chick’s Fantasy Book Reader
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 8th – Cheshire @ The Cheshire Cat’s Looking Glass
Book Tour Post with R.J. Hore Guest Post
- April 8th – Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
Book Tour Post with G.Brown Guest Post
- April 9th – Elizabeth @ Science Fiction & Such
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 9th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with R. Bay Interview
- April 10th – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with L.T. Getty Interview
- April 10th – S.M. @ S.M. Bysh Author (Book Review/L.T. Getty)
- April 11th – Laura @ Trip Down Imagination Road
Book Tour Post with Review of The Pact by G. Brown
- April 11th – Cinta @ Indie Authors You Want to Read
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 14th – Sheila @ Sheila Deeth
Book Tour Post with L. Getty Guest Post
- April 14th – Julianne @ The Flipside of Julianne
Book Tour Post with R.J. Hore Guest Post
- April 14th – S.M. @ S.M. Bysh Author (Book Review/G.Brown)
- April 15th – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with R.Bay Interview
- April 15th – Cheshire @ The Cheshire Cat’s Looking Glass
Book Tour Post with L. Getty Guest Post
- April 16th – Denise @ Rantings of a Closet Vamp Princess
Book Tour Post with Finding Eve by R. Bay Book Review
- April 16th – Rania @ Urania’s Distractions
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 16th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with Interview & Book Review
- April 17th – J. Hooligan @ Platypire Reviews
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 17th – Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews
Book Tour Post with R. Bay Tens List
- April 18th – Rebecca @ Spellbindings
Book Tour Post with Guest Post (Review Pending)
- April 18th – Rhiannon @ YA Fantasy Author
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 18th – Amanda @ Wicca Witch 4 Book Blog
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- April 21st – Julianne @ The Flipside of Julianne
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- April 21st – Laura @ Trip Down Imagination Road
Book Tour Post with The Queen’s Pawn by R.J. Hore Review
- April 22nd – Patricia @ Room With Books
Book Tour Post with Interview & Book Review Snippet
- April 22nd – Cheshire @ The Cheshire Cat’s Looking Glass
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- April 23rd – Elora @ Lunar Haven R&D (Spotlight)
- April 23rd – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with R.J. Hore Interview
- April 23rd – Deb @ Written by Deb
Book Tour Post with R. Bay Guest Post (Review Pending)
- April 24th – Laura @ Trip Down Imagination Road
Book Tour Post with The Tower of Obsidian by L.T. Getty Review
- April 24th – Deb Written by Deb
Book Tour Post with G. Brown Guest Post (Review Pending)
- April 25th – S. Cu @ Cu’s eBook Giveaways (Book Review/G. Brown)
- April 25th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with Interview & Book Review
~ About Finding Eve ~
Title: Finding Eve
Author: Rita Bay
Published: September 2013
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Word Count: 28,000
Genre: Shape-shifter Paranormal
Content Warning: Adult content
Age Recommended: 18+
~ Synopsis ~
Nicholas Lyons, chief physician to the Lyons clan of shape-shifters, has mourned the death of his promised lifemate until a rogue shapeshifter reports having seen her at an exotic animal sale. Accompanied by Marie Lyons who is no stranger to the dark side, her new lifemate Anthony, and the imperious Lady Bat, he embarks on a frantic search for Eve through the dangerous world of exotic animal trafficking.
Eve, whose first memories are of recovering from an injury at an isolated animal refuge, has lived through a succession of owners in a world filled with cages and cruelty. When Eve meets Marie at the exotic animal sale, she begins to have flashes of a different life – a life in which she was something other than feline. Her last sale, however, has landed her as prey to exotic animal hunters and the clock is ticking.
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~ Excerpt from Finding Eve ~
Nick tamped down his panic. Eve’s neurological tests, scans, X-rays and vital signs were all within normal limits, but his lifemate had remained unconscious for over twenty-four hours.
“Tell me what happened again.”
Marie sat with her head in her hands. She’d not left Eve’s side since her call after Eve’s collapse had alerted Anthony that something was very wrong.
“We’d talked it out after you left. She was ready to make the change–had even picked out the dress she wanted to wear after she shifted. We were touching so she could feel what I was doing. She made the shift quickly. No problem. Then she just fell over. Like I said a dozen times before.”
“She’d never expressed interest in shifting before. You sure you didn’t push her?”
“No, damn it, I didn’t. She heard what you said about leaving Lyons’ Den. She didn’t want to leave. She thought if she shifted, you would allow her stay here. This is her home now.”
He wanted to kick himself. Eve was sensitive, fragile even, since she’d returned. The last thing he should have mentioned was leaving Lyons’ Den. It was her home and he was going to take her away. He felt himself begin to shift. It was too sudden. He might not be able to control himself.
“Quiet, Nicky. I was sleeping.”
“Who else runs free in your head?”
“You’ve been unconscious for more than a day.”
“Been sleeping. Change hurt.”
“I told Marie she shouldn’t have allowed you to change.”
“Afraid you and Tony send me away. Marie gave me shiny dress.”
“You always were an acquisitive kit. I will give you whatever clothing you wish.”
“Wanted Marie’s dress. She is like me. She knows.”
“What does Marie know that I don’t?”
“Hurt. Fear. Alone.”
“I want that part of your past to go away. Since I thought you were dead, I felt the pain. Alone was the worst. I want things how they were with us before.”
“Can’t. Not yet. Can’t speak in my human form. Don’t know why.”
“What can I do to make it better, Evie?”
“Find my past.”
~ About the Author ~
Rita’s journey began on the Gulf Coast. Over the years, she lived and/or traveled in the eastern US and Western Europe. While juggling family and work, she participated in archaeological digs, earned a black belt in Shotokan karate, prospected for gold and crystals, camped across Europe, and volunteered with the American Red Cross Disaster and Education Services. Rita has worked as a registered nurse, educator and school system administrator. She lives with her family on the Gulf Coast, except when she’s in Atlanta, at least for now.
Rita is published in multiple genres with several publishers including paranormal and erotic novellas (Champagne Book Group – Champagne Books and Carnal Passions), historical novels (Siren BookStrand), and contemporary F/M and M/M novellas (Secret Cravings). She posts random bits of historical trivia about western history and culture on Rita Bay’s Blog at ritabay.com.
Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Website
~ About The Pact ~
Title: The Pact
Author: Graeme Brown
Published: May 2013
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Word Count: 17,000
Genre: Dark Epic Fantasy
Recommended Age: 12+
~ Synopsis ~
Enter the world of Will Lesterall, a boy who’s grown up in the safety of his father’s castle.
Tales of the outside world ruled by warring kings and creatures of nightmare have never seemed a threat, yet on the night celebrating two hundred years of the sacred Pact that has kept Fort Lesterall safe, intrigues ripen, and in the course of a few hours Will is confronted with a choice greater than he can comprehend.
Join an unlikely hero as destiny pulls him into the middle of an ancient conflict between fallen gods and ambitious women, one that demands blood, both holy and wicked, and the power of an ancient fire bound in steel. As swords clash below a watching wood, hope and betrayal war as fiercely as fear and valor.
Whether he lives or dies, Will Lesterall will never be the same.
~ Excerpt from The Pact ~
Will felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Lie down,” the woman cooed.
The blade glowed like the moon through its sheen of blood and Will obeyed slowly, feeling the stone’s icy kiss against the back of his neck. He cursed himself in his mind, but the voice had no power. That was your only chance. You’re dead now. There’s no stopping her.
He still shook with grief, his whole body cold. He saw Robin and the fear in his brother’s eyes. The pain. Will wanted to run, but his body wouldn’t move. Finally, he closed his eyes, whimpering, folding up his legs and turning on his side.
He waited and waited, but the moment didn’t come. He waited more, before finally summoning the courage to open his eyes…
~ About the Author ~
Graeme Brown has been enchanted by the epic fantasy genre since he was a child, and consequently he started creating his own world with its stories at the age of thirteen. Influenced by writers like J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan, and George R. R. Martin, he has finally brought the first of those stories to life with his debut title, a short story called The Pact—48 pages that will whisk you away to a dark, medieval fantasy world with gritty realism. When he’s not writing, he can be found exploring number theory problems or writing computer programs, training for a marathon, or unwinding in a yoga hot room. He has also explored other facets of art, both as a hobby and a profession, including vector graphics, pen and ink, classical piano, and web design. He just finished writing the first of many sequels to The Pact, A Thousand Roads.
Amazon Author Page | Twitter | GoodReads | Website
~ About Tower of Obsidian ~
Title: Tower of Obsidian
Author: L. T. Getty
Published: February 2013
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Word Count: 115,000
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Content Warning: Minor Violence
Age Recommendation: 13+
~ Synopsis ~
When Kale mac Tadhg is betrayed by his Lord’s men, he is sent on an impossible quest: slay a witch in a tower, and end a people’s curse. Both Kale’s best friend and brother-in-arms Aaron Smithson and former betrothed Aoife of Westgate set out to rescue him, but their journey takes them into the uncharted waters and Northwestern Nordic colonies, to a land cursed and all but forgotten. They begin to realize that there is some truth to old legends. Kale’s rescue comes at a price—for by the time Aaron and Aoife know where to search, like so many before him, Kale is bound to the ancient tower’s fate.
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~ Excerpt from Tower of Obsidian ~
You know how the tale is supposed to go. The maiden is seized, captured by some foul villain. The hero gives chase, defeats the villain, and rescues her. The maid and hero wed and live happily ever after. But suppose it doesn’t go like that. No doubt there have been countless stories of maidens taken by villains. Some are rescued, others are killed, and however tragic their stories, they are ended.
What if one of these maidens lingered in darkness, with puzzles unsolved, her dragons unslain?
She was stolen, like so many before her and many who came after. Was she a goddess, a nymph, or a common girl of great beauty? It matters little. He seized her and forced her into a dark tower, which even the gods could not destroy. Oh how they tried, sending their sons to battle him. All failed.
The wicked sorcerer enticed her, tried to trick and confuse her, but she would never submit. In rage, or perhaps when it seemed the tide was turning, and perhaps her true love finally came, the sorcerer, rather than lose her, cursed her. He locked her in a prison, and she and the tower became one.
At last, the sorcerer was destroyed, but not sent forth to the land of the dead, or chance his evil would survive the grave. Undying, he remained a fragmented wraith, a wicked creature, the villain in countless stories. Perhaps, that was why his defeat did not undo her curse, for she remained a prisoner in the dark spire.
Her would-be hero, defeated at the end, died of a broken heart. The lands around the tower grew dark, as if the world itself knew the tale was too sad. Surely, she was worth rescuing? Surely, there was another who could save her?
Imagine then, if you were she: your beauty, your curse, and your true love stolen from you. Imagine your father playing one suitor off another. All the while, the other women despise you. Imagine being changed—much like how a god would turn a nymph into a cow, a goddess into the body of a mortal. Confined to a prison, and even if it were the finest castle in all the lands, heaven, earth, or the underworld, still a cage. All the while, you wait for a rescue which never comes. The spell will not allow you to die nor to grow old. You are stagnant in a world where stories of old become legends, and legends forgotten—dismissed as childish fancy.
No, child, surely you do not wish to know that story. Maidens must be rescued, the good endure, and evil smote. Even though you know what is true or fair is not so in your life, you expect nothing else in your story. It is how the story is supposed to go. You will accept nothing but a proper ending. Content yourself then with stories of long hair and spinning wheels.
~ About the Author ~
L.T. Getty started writing her first novel in junior high, and hasn’t really stopped since. She’s studied kendo, is an open water scuba diver, and has recently taken up archery, and hopes to learn to do it horseback some day. When she’s not writing, she works as a paramedic. When she is writing, it tends to be rather cheeky.
Amazon Author Page | Facebook | GoodReads | Blog
~ About The Queen’s Pawn ~
Title: The Queen’s Pawn
Author: R. J. Hore
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Champagne Book Group
Word Count: 91,000
Genre: Medieval Fantasy
Age Recommendation: 13+
~ Synopsis ~
Young Harow just wanted to stay on the farm for the rest of his life, but his mother insisted he go to school in the City to study to be a priest. Now the City is in flames and he is racing across unfamiliar countryside trying to get the mysterious and sensuous Queen Reginee and her extremely annoying and very spoiled daughter Desiree-Rose to safety.
Of course there is a rebel army on their heels, black wizardry afoot, and sundry and dangerous creatures and villains, monstrous and common, seductive and evil, lurking along the way. If this were not enough for the youth to worry about, the Queen’s amorous chambermaid and bodyguard Mathilde, a smallish giantess, just wants to get him alone.
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~ Excerpt from The Queen’s Pawn ~
After a brief meeting with Daneld and his lieutenants, Harow, armed with a short bow, and followed by another guardsman so armed and a third carrying two spears, set off into the forest. He followed the downhill slopes, careful to mark the patterns on the trees. Remembering well the woods-lore taught by his grandfather, Harow did not wish to become lost in this unfamiliar place so far from home.
The three followed a gentle ravine until they arrived at a quiet pool of dark water surrounded by high ferns, then waited, silent. After what seemed forever, with Harow wondering if they would have to return to camp empty handed before nightfall, two deer steeped out from beneath the ferns to drink.
He and his companion loosed their shafts and both animals fell. While the guards prepared the deer for carrying, he dug in the damp earth with his sword, filling his back-sack with edible tubers and roots he recognized from his days on the farm. Gathering up their treasures, the three returned to camp and a welcoming chorus from hungry men.
“Do you really expect me to eat dead animals?” Princess Desiree-Rose stamped her foot. “Mother, this is ridiculous.”
“Now, my dear.” The queen exited from their shelter and stood up, somehow able to still appear graceful and regal even though her cloak showed the stains and dirt of travel. “We must be prepared for a little discomfort, considering our circumstances.”
“I absolutely refuse. No bath, no clean clothes, no decent food… and nobody cares.” The princess suddenly burst into tears, and pushing her way through the assembly, dashed off.
The queen motioned for Mathilde to follow after the girl, and smiled wearily at Harow. “You must forgive my daughter, Lord Rickard. When you are young, and used to being kept sheltered and safe, this must all seem very different and terrifying. Desiree-Rose did not sleep very well last night. I’m certain tonight, in the marvelous shelter you have constructed for us, will be a great improvement.”
Harow bowed and backed away to see to the evening meal. Discovering that none of the guardsmen knew anything about carving a carcass, or cooking, he set about to demonstrate how to prepare the deer by skinning and cleaning them, how to construct a fire pit and spit and commence roasting and, after finding a large pot among their baggage, how to clean and peel the tubers and roots for a soup. At last, tired and not a little hungry, he gave instructions to the guards to watch over the meal and stood up slowly, uncramping tired legs. Dried blood covered his hands, dirt stained his face. He glanced at the sky. Still an hour or so of sunlight left. Time for a wee bit of a nap before supper.
A long wailing scream split the forest air. That sound did not come from any human throat.
The queen hurried up, looking distraught. “My lord duke, have you see Desiree-Rose or Mathilde? They have not returned.”
The scream wavered and faded, then grew again in volume and pitch, sending cold shivers dashing with chill fingers along the spines of all who heard the sound. The company scrambled to their feet and stared into the depths of the forest.
~ About the Author ~
Ron can be found sailing on Lake Winnipeg when not writing novels or critiquing for an on-line magazine He won first prize for a Canadian Authors Association short story contest for a ghostly love story, but his preference is for longer works including a recent trio of medieval-style fantasies and the Housetrap Chronicles fantasy detective series through www.burstbooks.ca . Supervised by his understanding wife and a large demanding cat, most of his writing efforts continue toward fantasy, with occasional lapses into science fiction and horror.
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~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,
