Archived – Released from the Darkness by Gabrielle Arrowsmith
~ Schedule ~
Released from the Darkness by Gabrielle Arrowsmith:
- Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
- Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
- Vicky @ Deal Sharing Aunt
- Rebecca @ Violet Hour Book Reviews
- Erika @ Cloud Nine Girl
- Mikaella @ Nocturnal Predators Reviews
- Cindi @ Mommasez…
- Mary @ Mary’s Cup of Tea
- Kristy @ Keep Calm & Write On
- Candy @ Just Me, Myself, and I
- CCAM @ Mythical Books
- Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person
- Marcy @ Marcy Rachel Designs
- Lisa & Sarah @ Girls With Books
- Day @ Day Parker
- Victoria @ Victoria’s Pages of Romance
- Elizabeth @ Science Fiction & Such
~ About the Book ~
Title: Released from the Darkness (Sequel to Concealed in the Shadows)
Author: Gabrielle Arrowsmith
Published: February 14th, 2014
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing
Word Count: approx. 91,600
Genre: Dystopian
Content Warning: Mild Violence and Romance
Recommended Age: 14+
~ Synopsis ~
Through bullet or flame, she will fight to be free.
Two young seeksmen are dead, and Sydney blames herself. The only way to get her sister back from the county’s clutches while also preventing more deaths was to offer her own life in exchange for Evvie’s freedom.
She expected a dreadful end, but nothing like the prison in which she wakes. Agonizing county life is redefined in Neo-Necropolis, new city of the dead, which lies beneath the earth. Worse than being allegedly deceased, is the false identity Sydney is forced to assume where Evvie, Sheridan’s captain, and Crewe never existed.
Sydney alone knows the magnitude of the county’s evildoings inside, outside, and now below. At only eighteen, the responsibility to defend freedom falls solely on her tried and tested shoulders – a burden that requires desperate action when a catastrophic revelation upends the world as she knew it.
The people Sydney cares for are more vulnerable than ever. Though she’s buried underground and monitored by county agents, she must escape this new captivity. Maybe it’s time to fight fire with fire. Sydney has proven her courage in facing their weapons, but can she trigger her own?
~ About the Author ~
Gabrielle Arrowsmith was born to her loving mother, father, and older brother on August 16th, 1988. She grew up in the small town of Ham Lake, MN enjoying reading, writing, playing soccer, acting in school plays, playing piano, and adventures with her brother and cousins.
Gabrielle’s high school years were very well-rounded and challenged her time management skills. She studied diligently, enabling her to graduate near the top of her class and earn an AP Scholar with Distinction recognition for her success in college-level courses and exams. She was seen as a leader in both the National Honor Society where she was elected vice president and on her soccer and track teams which each appointed her as captain. Between soccer and track seasons, Gabrielle acted in enough school theater productions to be inducted into the Thespian Society. During her senior year, she earned the Triple A award for performance in academics, athletics, and arts.
From 2006-2009 Gabrielle attended the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, MN where she earned a degree in Elementary Education. She played collegiate soccer for the Saints, held two work-study positions, acted in three theater productions and volunteered often. She was on the Dean’s List every semester and graduated summa cum laude.
Since 2009, Gabrielle has enjoyed teaching third through sixth graders in various school settings. She has recently transitioned to substitute teaching in order to pursue her passion for storytelling through both writing and acting. She also continues to enjoy playing and coaching soccer.
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~ Excerpt ~
I address the leader again. “Don’t tell me you’re not the bad guys; you killed two innocent men! They were practically kids,” I charge.
“I know!” an agent yells with all his might. I hear a scuffle between him and the other man in the room. Something small, maybe a tablet, hits the floor just before a body does. Something is very wrong here, but it’s still unclear whether it’s to my advantage.
“I know everything those boys were.” His words are coated in pain. “But, innocent wasn’t one of them. They knew seeking was a crime,” he snaps.
“It wasn’t a crime they had to die for!” I shout back, my fury now being directed at this man rather than the inaccessible leader.
“I know it!” he yells back. “I tried to protect all of them, even you, but you’re impossible to reason with. Look where it got everyone, Sydney.”
The air is sucked from my lungs when I hear this agent speak my name. My heart drops to try to fill the void. I know who I’m speaking with.
“You killed them, you traitor!” I scream, flailing within my chains. “You killed Cy and-” My mouth is re-covered, but my rage continues internally. Jerus could be the one smothering me, so I jerk and kick at him as much as I can. I might be hurting myself against the restraints, but I can’t feel it. All I can feel is the burning need to make Jerus pay for betraying his fellow seeksmen and his captain, my father.
“I know,” Jerus says quietly from the other side of the room. He takes two more steps away, and then I distinctly hear the elevator sink to take him deeper inside the earth.
~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,
