Archived – Milayna by Michelle K. Pickett
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~ About the Book ~
Title: Milayna
Series: The Milayna Series, Book 1
Author: Michelle K. Pickett
Published: March 17th, 2015
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing
Genre: YAm Paranormal Romance
Content Warning: Adult language and violence
Age Recommendation: 16+
~ Synopsis ~
It’s hard being good all the time. Everyone needs to be bad once in a while. But for seventeen-year-old Milayna, being good isn’t a choice. It’s a job requirement. And it’s a job she can’t quit. Born a demi-angel, Milayna steps in when danger and demons threaten the people around her, but being half angel isn’t all halos and happiness. Azazel, Hell’s demon, wants Milayna’s power and he’ll do anything to get it. But he only has until her eighteenth birthday, after which she becomes untouchable.
With the help of other demi-angels, Milayna thwarts the trouble Azazel sends her way. Fighting by her side is Chay. He’s a demi-angel who’s sinfully gorgeous, and Milayna falls hard. But is Chay her true love… or her nemesis in disguise?
When she learns of a traitor in her group, there’s no one she can trust… not even the one she loves.
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~ About the Author ~
Michelle is the bestselling author of the young adult novel “PODs.” She was born and raised in Flint, Michigan, but now lives in a sleepy suburb outside Houston with her extremely supportive husband, three school-aged children, a 125 pound “lap dog,” and a very snooty cat.
Red Bull or Monster Khaos are her coffee of choice, and she can’t write without peanut butter M&Ms and a hoodie. A hopeful romantic; she loves a swoon-worthy ending that will give her butterflies for days. She writes across genres in the young adult and new adult age groups. She loves to hear from her readers.
Michelle signed her new young adult contemporary novel— Unspeakable, with Clean Teen Publishing in 2014.
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~ Excerpt ~
My lungs are burning. A hospital bed. Beeping. Doctors and nurses work on Uncle. Heart monitor. My heart skips a beat, a stab of pain sizzles through my chest, stealing my breath.
I tried to keep my eyes open as the images scrolled through my mind, not wanting Chay to know I was seeing them. I didn’t know what they meant, and I didn’t want to upset him more than he already was.
Chay sitting on a bench. His head in his hands. Shoulders slumped.
“We’re taking him to St. Mary’s,” an EMT yelled, climbing into the ambulance. It sped away, sirens blaring.
“C’mon.” We got into Chay’s car, speeding to keep up.
“Chay, slow down. Uncle wouldn’t want you to get in an accident.”
Chay’s foot eased off the gas pedal, and he rubbed the back of his head. “I need to get there and make sure he’s okay.”
I grazed the backs of my fingers over his cheekbone. “I know. Me too.” I held up my phone. “I’m going to call our parents.”
Chay nodded absently. He was silent the rest of the drive.
The hospital smelled like disinfectant and sickness. I hated the smell. The walls were painted a muted sage, and the floors carpeted in beige. A vase of flowers sat on a small table. A painting of a flower-lined creek hung on the wall behind it. It was all very pretty, but it didn’t change where we were—a hospital ER waiting room. The place people waited to hear if their loved one was… well, a place people didn’t want to be.
We’d been there for three hours. My dad and Chay’s parents arrived shortly after we had. I stood in the hallway across from where Chay sat with his head in his hands, just like in my vision. I watched him, biting my nails. He hadn’t said more than a few words to me since we’d arrived, and I didn’t know what to say to him.
I hadn’t had any more visions. I tried to reassure him, telling him that was good.
“Nothing about this is good,” he’d snapped, and then sat silently.
“Dad,” I whispered. “Do you think this has to do with the Evils or demi-demons?”
“Probably.” He didn’t say more.
What is it with the men in my life and one-word answers? It really pisses me off.
I blew out a breath. “Why’d they do this to Chay’s uncle instead of one of us?”
“Retaliation.” I jumped at the sound of Chay’s voice.
“For what?”
“Saving you. He stopped the demon from pulling you into the pit. Azazel’s retaliating.” His voice was hard, hateful.
Chay waved his dad away and stood. “What? It’s true.” He turned his back to me and stalked down the hall.
I didn’t see Chay again that night. Minutes later, the doctor gave a report on Uncle Stewart. He’d suffered smoke inhalation, a concussion from hitting his head on the counter when he fell, and what they suspected was a mild heart attack—but more tests were needed to confirm that diagnosis. Still, the doctor expected a full recovery. My dad and I left after that.
I was relieved that Uncle would be okay.
I was devastated that he almost died because he’d saved me.
I was shattered that Chay blamed me.
~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,