Archived – ‘Twas the Night by Robin Reed
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November 5th:
- Laurie @ Laurie’s Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews
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November 6th:
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- Hooligans @ Platypire Reviews (Reviews x2)
- Doris @ Dowie’s Place
- Kristy @ Keep Calm on Blog On
- Kristin @ Second Book to the Right
- Pam @ The Book Lover’s Lounge
- Snarky Mom Michelle @ Snarky Mom Reads…
- Matt @ Overly Verbose
- Victora @ Victoria’s Pages of Romance
~ About the Book ~
Title: ‘Twas the Night
Author: Robin Reed
Published: November 8th, 2012
Word Count: 35,000
Genre: Horror Comedy
Content Warning: Comedy Horror Violence
Age Recommendation: 13+
~ Synopsis ~
Rollo is the overworked, stressed-out Head Elf at the North Pole. As he prepares for Christmas Eve, he has to deal with toys that look like they’re having sex, terrorist reindeer, and worst of all, the sudden death of Santa Claus. Rollo has to save Christmas after he finds out that Santa is not just dead — he is undead.
‘Twas the Night is a novella of approximately 35,000 words. It is a satire and contains adult language and themes.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads
~ About the Author ~
Robin Reed is the author of a strange collection of books. She writes science fiction, horror, humor, and humorous science fiction and horror. She was born in Chicago but found her way to Los Angeles, swearing to never again experience a midwestern winter.
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~ Excerpt ~
It wasn’t a fit night out for man nor elf. But then it never was at the North Pole, where it gets so cold that Frosty would freeze his snowballs off. The view from Rollo’s office window was darkness. Driving snow rattled against the pane, and the wind howled like a six year old who got nothing but socks for Christmas.
When he first got to the North Pole he thought the view was spectacular. In the sunny season the fantastic ice formations and the reflections of sunlight through them were something to see. But it never changed, and after a few hundred years anything can become boring. He shook his head and sighed. He was a long way from the woodlands of his youth, where he had nothing on his mind but frolicking and scaring the occasional woodcutter.
Rollo shouldn’t have been staring out the window and thinking about times long gone. It was the busy season, and there was a lot of work to do. He took a sip of coffee and turned to the large computer monitor on his desk.
There was a Facebook message from Jay, asking if they were still on for poker on Thursday. Rollo couldn’t think about that, or anything, until after the delivery. He decided to answer later. He opened reports from his staff. There was a problem in inventory. A whole container of talking Barbies were missing. They had to be in the complex somewhere, but nobody could find them.
~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,