Up for Review: From Stardust to Babylon by Amanda Bucan
Title: From Stardust to Babylon
Author: Amanda Bucan
Published: August 24th, 2016
Publisher: Publishnation
Genre: Memoir /Creative Non-fiction
Formats Available: Mobi, PDF
~ Synopsis ~
Amanda grew up in an impoverished ex-steel town where she endured a lonely and ostracized childhood. Bullied at school she becomes a withdrawn teenager who at sixteen meets her `twin flame` while working in a humble social club. The two quickly embark upon a passionate affair though the relationship is ill-fated from the outset, and Amanda eventually marries someone else.
For nineteen years they live separate lives, until one harrowing day in 2001 Amanda learns via telepathic messages that Simon has died. This activates an astonishing onslaught of paranormal activity which will ultimately change the course of Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Biblical history. With the revelation of a monumental conspiracy, this story brings truth and hope to a troubled world through a universal language that transcends all faiths and all cultures. Journey the road together, awaken to life`s synchronicities and grow in wisdom.
~ About the Author ~
I was born in Northamptonshire in 1964 where I still reside today. I consider myself to be an ordinary person who`s experienced some extraordinary events. A home loving humanitarian at heart with a passion for fairness, equality, and creating a better world.
When I`m not writing I love spending time outdoors communing with nature and observing the wildlife; those inspired moments watching Autumn leaves in lowering sunlight while the birds squabble over their tea, and I munch through several large chunks of dark chocolate washed down with a hot mug of tea. I`m attracted to people from all walks of life who are kind, thoughtful and honest. I enjoy shopping trips and watching TV dramas, including Bates Motel, Downton Abbey and Mr Selfridge, but mostly I love Poldark…. (Well who doesn`t?) Favourite places for a return visit would include Egypt`s Temple of Karnak, (probably the most peaceful place on earth!) The Cairo museum and Italy`s Amalfi coast. I`m also partial to a bracing boat trip across Lake Windermere on route to the little town of Bowness.
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