Up for Review: Knights of the Square Table by Teri Kanefield

Knights of the Square Table

Title: Knights of the Square Table

Author: Teri Kanefield

Genre: Middle Grade

Published: October 10th, 2015

Publisher: Armon Books

Formats Available: Mobi, ePub, PDF


~ Synopsis ~


Meet the Knights of the Square Table, San Francisco’s all-star chess team.

On their way home from a tournament in Europe, their plane makes a forced landing on a remote island in the North Atlantic.

Part survival story, part crime novel with a twist, here’s what happens when six teenagers act on their optimism and attempt the impossible.



~ About the Author ~

Teri Kanefield

Teri writes novels, short stories, essays, stories for children, and nonfiction for both children and adults.

Her stories and essays have appeared in publications as diverse as Education Week, Scope Magazine, The Iowa Review, The American Literary Review, and Cricket Magazine.

Teri lives in California by the beach.



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