Archived – The Mind’s Eye by K.C. Finn
~ Schedule ~
The Mind’s Eye by K.C. Finn:
- April 14th – Laurie @ Laurie’s Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews
Book Tour Post with Playlist
- April 15th – Corey @ Corey’s Book Reviews
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 15th – Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 16th – Kristy @ Keep Calm & Write On
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 17th – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- April 17th – Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person
Book Tour Post with Interview
- April 18th – Brooke @ The Cover Countessa
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 21st – Shannon @ Infinite House of Books
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 22nd – Desiree @ The Bookie Monster
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 22nd – Gillian @ Plain Talk Book Marketing
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 23rd – Cinta @ Indie Authors You Want to Read
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- April 23rd – Gillian @ Plain Talk Book Marketing
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- April 23rd – Sara @ Platypire Reviews
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 24th – D.E. @ Readsalot
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 25th – Pauline @ The Reader’s Realm
Book Tour Post with Book Review
- April 25th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with Interview
~ About the Book ~
Title: The Mind’s Eye
Author: K.C. Finn
Published: April 1st, 2014
Publisher: Clean Teen Publishing
Word Count: 86,000
Genre: YA Historical Paranormal
Content Warning: Mild Violence
Recommended Age: 16+
~ Synopsis ~
A girl with a telepathic gift finds a boy clinging to his last hope during the war-torn climate of Europe, 1940.
At fifteen, Kit Cavendish is one the oldest evacuees to escape London at the start of the Second World War due to a long term illness that sees her stuck in a wheelchair most of the time. But Kit has an extraordinary psychic power: she can put herself into the minds of others, see through their eyes, feel their emotions, even talk to them – though she dares not speak out for fear of her secret ability being exposed.
As Kit settles into her new life in the North Wales village of Bryn Eira Bach, solitude and curiosity encourage her to gain better control of her gift. Until one day her search for information on the developing war leads her to the mind of Henri, a seventeen-year-old Norwegian boy witnessing the German occupation of his beloved city, Oslo. As Henri discovers more about the English girl occupying his mind, the psychic and emotional bonds between them strengthen and Kit guides him through an oppressive and dangerous time.
There are secrets to be uncovered, both at home and abroad, and it’s up to Kit and Henri to come together and fight their own battles in the depths of the world’s greatest war.
~ About the Author ~
Born in South Wales to Raymond and Jennifer Finn, Kimberley Charlotte Elisabeth Finn (known to readers as K.C., otherwise it’d be too much of a mouthful) was one of those corny little kids who always wanted to be a writer. She was also incredibly stubborn, and so has finally achieved that dream in 2013 with the release of her first three novellas in the four-part Caecilius Rex saga, the time travel adventure The Secret Star and her new urban fantasy epic The Book Of Shade.
As a sufferer with the medical condition M.E./C.F.S., Kim works part time as a private tutor and a teacher of creative writing, devoting the remainder of her time to writing novels and studying for an MA in Education and Linguistics.
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~ Excerpt ~
Ty Gwyn was straight ahead of us, so I didn’t see the huge white building until I was properly out of the car. Officer Lewis started to wheel me up to it over the bumpy gravel path, jarring my spine with every pebble. I tried to keep smiling and made sure my clothes and hair were neat as we approached. When Lewis rang the doorbell the ancient sound echoed out of the cracks in the wood around the window panes. A few birds roosting in the eaves of the big white farm house suddenly took flight, making Leighton jump. He shuffled from foot to foot, biting his little pink lip.
The tiniest girl I had ever seen answered the door. She was short and willowy with huge blue eyes and tawny brown hair sticking up at funny angles. Her plain little dress was stained with something that looked like blueberries. She clung to its hem as she looked up at Officer Lewis, then she suddenly broke into a great beaming smile, showing off her stumpy white teeth.
“Ble mae Mam?” Lewis asked the little girl.
I tried to pick out the English as usual, but this time I couldn’t. Leighton gave me a wide eyed look, scrunching his nose.
“Yn y gegin yn paratoi cinio,” the little girl replied. I marvelled at the complex language falling out of such a tiny mouth.
“Dod â Mam yma!” Lewis added with a flick of his hand.
The little girl scampered away, leaving the door wide open. I would have waited, but Lewis seemed to take that as the invitation to go inside. He wheeled me in over the bumpy threshold of the wide farmhouse door and into a big reception space, adjusting Leighton until he stood up straight beside me. Everything in this part of the house was either black or white. Black tiles lined the cold stone floor. White lacy doilies covered the shelves of an old black dresser in the corner, next to an even older metal coat stand that was ready to fall over with the amount of coats flung upon it.
I looked at the steep, black stairs fearfully. If I was expected to climb them every day and night, I would surely die before I even reached breakfast tomorrow. My joints ached at the very prospect of it.
“Nawr te, who do we have yur then?”
The woman’s accent echoing down the corridor was thankfully much clearer than Lewis’s. She almost sang the words as she appeared from under a white doorway right in front of us. The woman had a rosy face and the same tawny hair as the little girl, though hers was pulled back into a more practical style. She was older than Mum but younger than Granny, with a cooking apron tied over her broad, rounded figure. She had the kindest smile in the world as she approached, rubbing her coarse hands together excitedly.
“Oh aren’t you just lovely, the pair of you!”
She dropped to her knees before us and pulled my shoulder forward for a hug. My chair gave me a little space at least from her lovingly iron grip, but Leighton had no such luck. He was pulled straight into her ample chest where he could hardly breathe from the warmth of her embrace. He emerged red-faced a moment later, stumbling backwards.
“Leighton, Catherine,” Officer Lewis explained, “This is Mrs Gladys Price, your new guardian.”
“Call me Mam if you like,” she added, “Everyone does round yur.”
~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,

One Comment
Anna-Marie Coomber
I absolutely LOVED this book, I am excited abut reading book 2