Archived – Eternal Hope Scavenger Hunt
This page serves as the Start blog for the hunt and you can always return here if you miss any of the key words.
First, allow me to tell you a little bit about Eternal Hope:
Title: Eternal Hope
Series: The Hope Series, Book Two
Author: Frankie Rose
Published: October 10, 2012
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me.
When your friends go missing and you don’t know if they’re dead or alive; when you tie your soul to the one you love; when you kill to protect and your family suffers, there’s only one thing you can do:
Move to Montana.
Farley Hope is special. She was prophesied to kill the forebears of her bloodline – a race of cold-blooded Reavers, men who steal the souls of the living to gain power. The Quorum had counted on Farley ending her own life in the process, but when Kayden came to her aid and helped save both her and Daniel, he undid their plans. Now the Quorum are displeased, not only with Kayden, but with Farley and Daniel too. Though her father is now dead, Farley’s troubles with the Reavers are far from over. An ancient Immortal, trapped for a thousand years, wants Farley for himself, and he will stop at nothing to claim her.
With secrets that lead to anger and pain, that turn friendship to dust, the group must overcome the problems within their own circle before they have a hope of fighting off the powers that threaten their lives.
About the Author:
As a child, I was always accused of being bookish because I wore glasses – big, horrible, ugly ones with too-thick lenses. Those kids, the super smart ones who always know which tender insecurities to poke at in order to provoke life-long complexes, used to accuse me of reading too many books and that my eyes were going to rot out of my head (their words, not mine!)
The truth of the matter was a little more embarrassing: I used to sit too close to the T.V. That was the reason why I had to wear glasses, but kids don’t really care about small, insignificant details like the truth, and so I was labelled a nerd. The label kinda stuck, and after some sage advice from my awesome nana (nana, you rock!) I decided that if I was going to be abused for my supposed literary obsession, I might as well develop one.
I guess that’s how I got into books and reading at an early age. Since then, I’ve been ripping through books like they’re going out of fashion, which, thankfully, they’re not. Good thing, too, because I’m a writer now, and books are my business!
Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me on my journey – look for your names in the acknowledgements! And a big thank you to you, the reader. I hope you’ve fallen in love with Farley and Daniel just like I have, and that you’ll join them in the next book, Eternal Hope!
Amazon Author Page | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads | Website | YouTube
Now on to the scavenger hunt! A special excerpt has been written exclusively for this event and can’t be found anywhere other than participating blogs. This excerpt has had 31 words removed and it’s up to you to find these key words and place them in the correct spot in the excerpt.
~ Where can the key words be found? ~
One key word is located on each participating blog in GREEN text.
~ When will the posts go up for the hunt? ~
There are approximately 3 stops a day from November 28th – December 7th. If you miss a word or get turned around while searching, below is the entire schedule so you can pick up where you left off. I will be updating it with the direct link to the hunt posts once they are live to make things a little easier.
~ Hunt Schedule ~
November 28th – Carmen @ Book Me!
November 28th – Jo-Anne @ Worlds of Wonderment
November 28th – Taneesha @ A Diary of A Book Addict
November 29th – Brandy @ All The Fun Happens After Dark
November 29th – Mel & Lana @ Girls Heart Books
November 29th – Tara @ Hey Tara!
November 30th – Ladies @ Paranormal Reads
November 30th – Jennifer @ Late Bloomer Online
November 30th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
December 1st – Lori @ Lori’s Book Blog
December 1st – Pamela @ At Home Between the Pages
December 1st – Bianca @ Bianca2b
December 2nd – Ali @ GingerRead Reviews
December 2nd – Tracey S. @ YA Book Addict
December 2nd – Indie-Visible
December 3rd – Beckie @ Bittersweet Enchantment
December 3rd – Gin @ Addicted to Words
December 3rd – Erika Stroup @ Moonlight Book Reviews
December 4th – Mason C. @ Thoughts in Progress
December 4th – Brittany @ The Cover by Brittany
December 4th – Key word is: Though
December 5th – Val @ Musings of a Writer
December 5th – Ladies @ My Home Away From Home
December 5th – Lauren @ A Little Bit of R & R
December 5th – Key word is: Strike
December 6th – Book Whales
December 6th – Sam E & R’s Awesomeness
December 6th – Crystal @ Books Are Sanity
December 7th – Avery @ Author Avery Olive
December 7th – Key word is: Seriously
December 7th – Elora & Marie @ Lunar Haven Reviews and Designs
~ Excerpt ~
Farley felt her face redden, which was _________ inappropriate. Daniel and Kayden were _______ she was watching, and for once their sparring lacked the flashy showmanship they usually employed to _______ her. For the two of them, nothing _______ beyond the dimly lit parameters of the hangar. Beyond the lunge, beyond the parry, beyond the block.
This was how it would really go down, if they ever meant to do serious harm to one _______. Movements fluid and graceful, there was _________ primal about their circling. Quick _______ of calculating eyes, green and blue, preempting the other’s next move. Kayden’s hair was darkened with sweat, but both their chests rose and fell with __________ regularity. In and out. Slow and steady. The stern, focused expressions on their faces said ____ were in total control.
Farley let the darkness wash over her and kept her presence hidden. The confrontation was too ___________ to interrupt. Bare chests, muscled and tanned; silver flashes of metal as their blades sang through the air. Even Cliff would have been impressed. Farley bit her ______ lip as Kayden darted _______ in a sure leap, thrusting out with deadly precision towards Daniel’s throat.
The ______ would have been a killing blow. Would have been, if it had even ______. Daniel sprang back and duck-rolled over the dusty floor, crouching into a defensive pose. With his knife ________, his eyes lifted to fix on Kayden, but they _____ quite made it.
Farley’s heart leapt to her throat. Those eyes, piercing and sharp, fixed on her _______. She swallowed and braced against the wall behind her, trying to camouflage with the _______. Kayden shifted forward, ready to take _________ of Daniel’s distracted position, but the dark-haired boy simply lifted his hand. A wordless gesture:
Kayden stopped.
Robotically, Daniel rose, his _____ suddenly vanished, and dropped the knife into the dirt. Kayden’s apparent confusion only lasted a second; the moment he ________ it – that she was there – was _______. One second he was ________ Daniel’s creased brow, the next he had spun around impossibly quickly and was staring, too. Blue and Green. Farley felt her throat closing up. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.
Daniel brushed a hand back through his slightly curling hair, his face trained into a nothing __________. There was ______ he could do to hide the war in his eyes, ______. “So you’re back.”
Silence flooded the hangar. Farley took a moment to _______, pretending not to ______ Kayden’s fist clenching repeatedly ______ the handle of his knife.
“Yes,” she whispered, her voice _______. “I guess I am.”
~ How do I submit my finished excerpt? ~
The last stop on the hunt schedule is on Lunar Haven Reviews and Designs. This is the End blog. There will be a form located there for you to submit your excerpt.
~ Prizes ~
The first five people to submit the excerpt with the key words in the correct place will WIN a prize. Up for grabs is the following:
~ First Place ~
A Signed copy of Eternal Hope, Signed bookmarks, an Eternal Hope necklace that was specially designed, and signed mini poster
~ Second Place ~
A $25 gift card for Amazon, eBook of Eternal Hope, signed bookmark, and signed mini poster
~ Third Place ~
An eBook of Eternal Hope, signed bookmarks, and signed mini poster
~ Fourth & Fifth Place ~
An eBook copy of Eternal Hope
All the eBook copies will be gifted through Amazon. All prizes are available world-wide.
I’d like to give a quick thanks to Marie De La Rosa for helping me organize this scavenger hunt!
Stay You & Happy Reading,
