Archived – The Awakener by Amanda Strong
~ Schedule ~
The Awakener by Amanda Strong:
- October 28th – Laurie @ Laurie’s Paranormal Thoughts and Reviews
Book Tour Post with Interview
- October 29th – Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person
Book Tour Post with Interview
- October 29th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with Interview
- October 30th – Dafeenah @ Indie Designz
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- October 30th – Olivia Starke @ Romancing the Pen Today
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- October 31st – Marcy @ Marcy Rachel Designs
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 1st – Jessica @ Jess’s Book Blog
Book Tour Post with Interview
- November 1st – Jocelyn @ Jocelyn Adams
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 4th – CCAM @ Mythical Books
Book Tour Post with Guest Post
- November 4th – Ren @ A Little Bit of R&R
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 5th – Candy @ Just Me, Myself, and I
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 5th – Julianne @ The Flip Side of Julianne
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 6th – Sabrina @ Sabrina’s Paranormal Palace
Book Tour Post with Book Review and Guest Post
- November 7th – Deborah @ Written by Deb
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 7th – Vanessa @ Fairiechick’s Fantasy Book Reader
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 7th – Valerie @ Intriguing Reviews
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 8th – Ladies @ One More Chapter
Book Tour Post with Book Review
~ About the Book ~
Title: The Awakener
Series: The Watchers of Men
Author: Amanda Strong
Published: October 2013
Word Count: approx. 98,500
Genre: YA Mature Paranormal Romance
Content Warning: Minor violence and clean romance
Age Recommendation: 14+
~ Synopsis ~
Seeing Micah for the first time in years, fifteen year old Eden wants nothing more than to run and hide, but instead in a moment of sheer embarrassment, she throws her arms around his neck; unaware she just changed her childhood friend forever.
With eyes’ opened to the realm of angels and demons, Micah discovers he has become the Seer, called to save the world from an impending fire. Shy and awkward, Eden stumbles through high school clueless her guardian angel shadows her every move, keeping her safe while she unknowingly “awakens” others to their spiritual gifts. Micah will need those Eden touched to complete his mission which began long ago in the ancient City of Enoch and its secret underground temple.
With angels and demons fighting around them, both Eden and Micah must find their own personal courage and faith in order to know what to do for the battle that awaits them, one they must triumph or risk losing everyone they love.
~ About the Author ~
Born in Dekalb, Illinois, Amanda Strong has called Utah, Arizona, Hawaii, Virginia and now New Mexico home. Amanda has been spinning tales since she was a child. Her family still remembers finding young Amanda with her bright pink glasses, hiding in random corners of the house while scribbling away in one of her many spiral-bound notebooks. You could say that some things never change since Amanda is still writing today. Amanda began her writing career when she uploaded The Awakener, her first full-length novel, on Wattpad where it received over 430,000 reads in four weeks. She was blown away and humbled by the reader support and feedback she received. Because of The Awakener’s success as a non-published book, she was asked to talk on 1400 KSTAR about her story.
In September 2013 Amanda Strong signed with Clean Teen Publishing for publication of The Awakener, which is scheduled to release in late October of this year. The Awakener is the first book in an all-new young adult paranormal romance series called: The Watchers of Men.
When Amanda isn’t writing, you can find her chasing her three rambunctious children around the house and spending time with her wonderful and supportive husband. On some occasions you can still find Amanda with her not-so-pink glasses, hiding in a corner reading her favorite young adult fantasy novels or working out only to blow her diet by eating ice cream.
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~ Excerpt ~
Eden assumed she’d have good dreams, she had been asked on her first date today, after-all, but she was wrong. A dam of nightmares had broken leaving her tossing and turning. She dreamt of someone in her room, hiding in the dark corner, waiting…watching.
It was so vivid and real, that when the furnace clicked on, she bolted upright in bed, panting and covered in sweat. She took a deep breath and scanned her surroundings. Everything seemed normal, still the lingering dream made her uneasy. She reached for her glasses on the nightstand, but knocked them to the floor instead.
“Crap,” she muttered, not wanting to get out of her warm bed to retrieve them. Why is it so cold in here, she wondered. I can hear the heater blowing.
She sat back and pulled her blankets higher, trying to settle her nerves. She heard a few creaks and the scratching of branches hitting her window.
Those are familiar sounds, she told herself, nothing to be jumpy about.
Something felt off.
She figured it was just being in that half-asleep half-awake state where senses are in overdrive. She strained to see better, still not wanting to uncover herself to retrieve her glasses.
Why’s it reek in here? I’m going to kill Brendon, leaving another rotten sandwich in my room. But it smells like eggs. He hates eggs…
The sulfur-like smell grew stronger. Tugging her blanket over her nose she felt something bump her bed. She froze.
Straining to hear anything in the profound silence, she was completely paralyzed by fear, seeing only smeary black shadows. Don’t panic, don’t panic.
Her bed rocked as something pushed on her mattress from below. She screamed hysterically but to her horror, no one came bursting through her door.
Is Brendon playing some kind of sick practical joke?
Gritting her teeth, she threw the covers aside, forcing her legs off the side of the bed determined to jump down.
An icy breath hissed on her bare skin from below.
Shrieking, she pulled her legs in, burying herself in the blankets. Someone was in her room, under her bed, and just like her dream, that person was going to hurt her. She bit her quilt as tears splattered down on her arms.
It was silent.
This doesn’t make any sense. Am I still dreaming? This is just a nightmare. I’m just imagining things, she consoled herself. It’s cold in my room, the mattress’s springs are probably popping… she stopped short.
Something dragged across her carpet at the same time her bed shook. A low, unmistakable growl came from underneath her; a wet, gurgling sound. She screeched so hard her throat felt raw.
A black silhouette rose beside her bed.
~ About the Publisher ~
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~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,

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