Archived: Collateral Damage by Susan Harris
~ Schedule ~
- October 31st – Laurie @ Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews
Book Tour Post with Interview
- October 31st – Alexandra @ The Bookworm Lodge
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- October 31st – Maria @ Queen of All She Reads
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 1st – Melissa @ Melissa’s Book Buzz
Book Tour Post with Interview
- November 1st – Cindy @ The Indy Book Fairy
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 2nd – Denise @ Rantings of a Closet Vamp Princess
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 3rd – Amber @ The Wonderings of One Person
Book Tour Post with Interview
- November 3rd – Jennifer @ Dandelions Inspired
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 4th – Stacey @ Books, Dreams, Life
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 4th – Maia @ The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 7th – Kristy @ Keep Calm and Write On
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 7th – Emily @ Musings from an Addicted Reader
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 8th – Darcia @ A Word Please
Book Tour Post with Interview
- November 8th – Autumn @ Fallen Over Book Reviews
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 9th – Amber G. @ Lady Amber’s Reviews
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 9th – Nancy @ The Avid Reader
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 10th – Carol @ StarAngels Reviews
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 10th – Kristy @ Kristy Centeno
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 11th – Melissa @ Magic and Machines
Book Tour Post with Spotlight
- November 11th – Jaidis @ Juniper Grove
Book Tour Post with Interview
~ About the Book ~
Title: Collateral Damage
Series: The Ever Chace Chronicles #2
Author: Susan Harris
Published: October 31st, 2016
Publisher: Crimson Tree Publishing
Genre: Fairy Tales/Folk Tales/Legends & Mythology,Fantasy/Paranormal
~ Synopsis ~
When Derek Doyle wakes up next to a ripped-apart body, he’s terrified he’s about to lose everything he holds dear—Ever, his job, and his family. Dealing with his past has never come easy to Derek, especially since he’s too afraid of what people would think if they knew exactly what kind of monster he really is. But finding out who’s setting him up could be harder than the team thinks. As long as Derek has lived, there’s bound to be a long list of enemies.
Ever Chace has a lot on her plate. Confronted with the possibility that she is indeed losing her mind, Ever tries to push it aside as they deal with the ramifications of Derek’s past. Every new relationship has teething problems, but learning to deal with a mate who’s used to being a lone wolf has its own set of issues.
Can the team figure out how to save Derek from a swift execution? And just how much strain will the revelations put on Derek and Ever’s shiny new relationship?
Collateral Damage is the exciting sequel to Skin and Bones by Susan Harris.
Pick up the first book in this series, Skin and Bones by Susan Harris FREE on Amazon!
~ About the Author ~
Susan Harris is a writer from Cork in Ireland. An avid reader, she quickly grew to love books in the supernatural/fantasy genre. When she is not writing or reading, she loves music, oriental cultures, tattoos, anything Disney and psychology. If she wasn’t a writer she would love to be a FBI profiler or a PA for Dave Grohl or Jared Leto.
~ Excerpts ~
His words were cut off as Melanie sprang forward and pinned Ricky against the wall. She brushed her nose against the curve of his neck and inhaled the scent of him—leather and motorcycle oil and just him, just Ricky. Her fangs sprang free of their own accord, and she fought against the urge to sink them into the curve of his neck where that delicious vein pulsed.
“You just had to come back early, didn’t you?” Donnie growled.
“Well, if you had fucking told me why I was sent on babysitting duty, then I might have had the sense to stay away.”
Melanie snarled at the idea that he would have stayed away from her. She pressed herself closer to him, her body flush against his, and felt his arousal. Her lips peeled back, and she whimpered, “Donnie, help me…”
Ricky set his hands on either side of her hips as Caitlyn inched forward. Melanie hissed at Caitlyn, her fingers wrapping around Ricky’s throat. When Caitlyn took another step, Melanie heard a guttural voice coming from her own lips.
Caitlyn guffawed. “I have no interest in your paramour, Melanie. I just don’t wish for you to do something you may regret.”
Hunger punched her stomach, lust curled inside her, and she lifted her gaze to meet Ricky’s own. She was surprised to see him grin.
When Donnie made to grab her, Ricky shook his head. “She can do this on her own, Donnie. Can’t you, Lanie? Once you think about it, you’ll step back, and I’ll leave until it’s easier for ya’, babe.”
Her grip tightened on his throat.
“Possessive little vampire. I like it. Nice to know you still have that fire in you, babe.”
“It hurts.”
His hand squeezed her hip, and she shuddered. “I know babe, and I’m sorry. If I’d known this was why they were keeping you away, then I’d have listened, I promise. Now, wanna let me go so Donnie isn’t forced to do something he really doesn’t want to do?”
She growled again, not wanting to let him go. She wanted to sink her fangs into his neck and taste him.
A slow, sexy smile crept across the warlock’s face, and he lowered his voice. “I know, babe, but think about it. The first time you sink those pretty little fangs into my neck, I wanna be inside you, too.”
He knew, in that exact moment, that he was going to die.
The kicks came more frequently now—to his stomach, chest, and his head. He lost count of how many times he blacked out. It hurt to breathe, and he could taste blood in his mouth. After what seemed like an age, two of the men backed away, and he heard one say, “Come on, Damo. You’re gonna kill him.”
He received one final boot, this time to his face, and felt bone crunch—he had broken his nose so many times he knew the feeling instantly—but his entire body hurt so much that a broken nose was the least of his worries.
He couldn’t help but think it ironic he would die in a darkened alley, leaving the world as he’d been brought in—alone and bloody.
Donnie opened his eyes to gaze once more on the sky before he died, but instead his eyes locked onto gunmetal grey eyes looking down at him. She was so beautiful, this angel who had come to take his life. Or perhaps she was a devil, a leather-clad one with skin so pale he wanted to reach out and touch it.
He felt his arm lift of its own accord, and he opened his mouth to speak, but the only thing that gurgled from his lips was blood.
Ever and Derek
She peered out at him from under her lashes as he stood and extended his hand to her, and when she slipped her hand into the warmth of his grasp, he led her to the dance floor. Turning toward his partner, he swept her in close, and she had no option but to rest her head on his chest.
For a precious few minutes, they did nothing but sway slowly to the music. It would, she guessed, become one of her fondest memories, for the simple reason they had found each other early, with time to enjoy each other’s company before her past came back to haunt them.
“Do you believe in soulmates?” he murmured into her ear. “Because I felt my soul cry out the moment I laid eyes on you. I feel as if I know you. That I should know you. As if I was born to hold you in my arms.”
“I believe we are reborn, and our soul seeks out those who are ours,” she replied.
“Do you count me as yours?”
Ever slid her hand up his chest to brush her fingers against the stubble on his chin. She wanted him to remember, to feel the weight of her quest and stand with her, but she had precious little time to enjoy this moment. Odin would be upon them soon, and either she would die or he would.
Pulling his chin down so his gaze tangled with hers, Ever said the words she had always wanted to say to her Deryck, but time had not allowed. “I have died many times, my darling, and I’ve always found myself back with you—a different version of you, maybe, but you all the same.”
~ Giveaway ~
Stay You & Happy Reading,
Jaidis & Laurie