Up for Review: Skin Trade by Tonia Brown

Skin Trade

Title: Skin Trade

Series: Skin Trade Series #1

Author: Tonia Brown

Genre: Historical Horror

Published: January 13th, 2015

Publisher: Permuted Press

Age Recommendation: 16+

Formats Available: Mobi, ePub


~ Synopsis ~


The Great Undead Uprising of 1870 devastated the western frontier and destroyed the Indian Nations. Though the Army was able to contain the menace before it could devour the entire country, the United States lost claim to her western territories as the survivors fled to the relative safety of the east coast.

Samantha Martin is among the few folks traveling west, seeking asylum within the infected territories. Running from a past that threatens to consume her, young Sam dons the mantle of a male and hides in an all boys’ workhouse that borders these Badlands. From there she is thrust into the service of the skin trade–the terrible deed of trapping and skinning zombies for profit. The work is grueling and perilous, but along the way she finds out what it takes to be a man, why she misses being a woman, and most of all what it means to be human.

Can Sam keep her masquerade up long enough to flee the Badlands, or will the outlaws that rule the western frontier find out she’s female before she can escape?



~ About the Author ~


Author Tonia Brown

Tonia Brown is a Southern author with a penchant for Victorian dead things. She lives in North Carolina with her genius husband and an ever fluctuating number of cats. When not writing she raises unicorns and fights crime with her husband under the code names “Dr. Weird and his sexy sidekick Butternut.”



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